Local Government Waste Management
JJ’s Waste & Recycling is committed to providing an efficient and cost-effective waste removal service, including sustainable environmental initiatives to a variety of local government operations.
By choosing JJ’s Waste & Recycling as your waste collection provider, you receive over 90 years’ experience in the assessment and management of waste.
JJ’s Waste & Recycling are proud to provide quality waste and recycling services to local Councils New Zealand-wide.
JJ’s Waste perform over 2.6 million kerbside collection services across Australasia each week including commingled recycling, organics (including both green and FOGO) and residual waste services.
Our Council customers are provided with the latest in technology, including our j-Track in-vehicle monitoring system and Council Portal, providing transparent access to each and every collection service performed in their regions.
Collection vehicles are built by our in-house engineering division, JJR Engineering, with state of the art active safety features and environmental benefits.
We are certified and maintain stringent maintenance procedures providing Councils with peace of mind in achieving their Chain of Responsibility obligations.
Local Government services can include:

Residential collection services

Commercial collection services

Parks & litter services

Transfer Station services & operation

Landfill management

Bin roll out/ maintenance

Community education services (EnviroCom New Zealand)

Bulky kerbside/hard waste
We have 90 years' experience in the waste industry with a long-term, stable Executive and Senior Management team ensuring Council and residents are provided with an exceptional service.
j-Track, our in-truck computer system is designed to monitor and optimise collection and vehicle performance and record daily collection run information, provides benefits to Councils including:

Timely, consistent services

Reduced ‘missed bin’ instances

Safe, compliant vehicle operations

Incident investigation data

Contamination management program

Auditable database of collection information
We are committed to raising industry standards in the provision of waste management services to households and can provide Council and it’s residents with total waste management solutions.
To enquire about products and services we provide in the Local Government sector, Contact us today.