Property Waste Management
JJ’s Waste & Recycling is committed to providing an efficient and cost-effective waste removal service, including sustainable environmental initiatives to the property sector.
By choosing JJ’s Waste & Recycling as your waste collection contractor, you receive over 90 years’ experience in the assessment and management of waste.
We have a range of waste management solutions available, please see our Bin Options or Contact Us now for service options available in your area.
The JJ’s Waste team work closely with our customers New Zealand-wide to provide waste management services to the highest occupational health, safety and environment standards.
JJ’s Waste & Recycling provide custom solutions to large residential property sites such as apartment complexes, encompassing timeliness, cost-effectiveness and environmental initiatives to achieve effective waste management services.
Our services in the property sector include:

Waste services

Recycling services
Our team work closely with our customers to implement ‘avoid, reduce, reuse, recycle and recover’ wherever possible to create waste management practices with minimal environmental impact.
JJ’s Waste & Recycling offer various recycling options to ensure your property is waste-free and can provide waste collection and disposal services, for a range of materials, including:

Paper/Cardboard recycling

We have a variety of bin solutions to suit the needs of the property management sector including our metal industrial bins and large wheeled bins which are ideal for property collection services and are available in a range of sizes.
Our specialist team will liaise with you to confirm service availability in your area and undertake an assessment to ensure our vehicles can adequately access the site.
To enquire about the appropriate waste disposal services for your property, Contact us today.